Tuesday 11 March 2008

toddler corduroy dress size 3 www.mcart.etsy.com

perhaps this image will come out better.
I have had a bit of trouble with my new camera..


  1. I love the fabric...did you get that at Spotlight??

    My recent sewing is going to a bunch of my nieces...I have two older ones who are very deprived of any new presents, lol, and then the new baby coming, who is going to be a girl, too.

    Hey, btw, you should link your blog in your profile...when I clicked on your name to get to your blog, it wasn't there, so I had to go back through Bloglines. I am sure other people have the same problem, but can't find you. :)

  2. Hi Murali

    your sewing is good!!
    I want to be like you.
    I haven't linked the blog
    because it so amatuerish that I am ashamed of it!!
    Spotlight for the fabric.


